Orlando has been captivated by the quirky vigilante known as Ratman, a character created by a UCF student. Initially conceived for a film class, Ratman’s antics turned him into an internet sensation after a viral video showcased his crime-fighting efforts. Engaging with campus police and inspiring community hunts, Ratman’s story has now been immortalized in a documentary titled “Have You Seen The Ratman?” which offers a humorous exploration of this beloved campus phenomenon. The film has garnered accolades, including the Best Florida Short Film award at Gasparilla International Film Fest.
Orlando has become the unlikely home to a quirky vigilante hero known as the “Ratman.” This on-campus character, brought to life by a University of Central Florida (UCF) student, first made waves in 2018 when he was spotted roaming the campus after dark, dressed in a unique rat-themed costume. With a makeshift rat mask and tail, it was clear that Ratman was not your ordinary crime-fighter.
The Ratman character was created by Cameron Cruce as part of a mockumentary project for a film class. What started as an academic exercise quickly spiraled into something much larger. Cameron envisioned the Ratman as a superhero figure, roaming the streets and looking out for his fellow students, all while donning a striking outfit complete with a utility belt, a gasmask, and striking, glowing red eyes. His tail was not just for show; it could even be used as a weapon in this quirky, mock-fighting universe.
The real turning point came when a video capturing Ratman in action was uploaded to YouTube in February 2018. The clip showed this audacious character preventing a bike theft, and it took the internet by storm. Almost overnight, Ratman went from a local oddity to an internet sensation, attracting likes, shares, and conversations among UCF students on social media platforms.
The UCF Police Department got in on the fun, even acknowledging Ratman on Twitter. They playfully asked this masked vigilante for help in solving a vandalism case, adding to the charm of this unusual collaboration between the campus authorities and the peculiar crime-fighter. Officers were so impressed by his “crime-fighting” antics that they met with Ratman and presented him with an informal certificate of appreciation for his efforts.
As interest in Ratman grew, posters of the character began popping up all over campus, further fueling the enthusiasm. Students took to organizing “rat hunts” in search of the elusive vigilante, and various imposters took to the internet claiming to be the infamous Ratman. The buzz was uncontainable, with a particularly notable Reddit post falsely claiming Ratman would reveal his identity, drawing a crowd that included curious students and police officers. Little did they know, the real Ratman was observing their antics from a distance, hidden in plain sight!
Fast forward to today, and the story of Ratman has been captured in a documentary titled “Have You Seen The Ratman?” Directed by James Berry, this film dives deep into the origins and development of this beloved campus figure. Berry was surprised by how the absurdity of the story unfolded as he learned more about the character’s background from Cruce. The documentary has dazzled viewers, winning the Best Florida Short Film award at the Gasparilla International Film Fest.
With thousands of views and interactions on social media, the Ratman documentary has ignited a renewed interest in the quirky saga. Berry has expressed an eagerness to continue crafting lighthearted documentaries, drawing inspiration from the success of this hilarious yet heartwarming project. The world seems to have fallen in love with a rat-wearing hero who’s willing to take a stand for campus safety in the most delightful way possible.
So, if you’re in Orlando, keep your eyes peeled—you never know when Ratman might make an appearance next, ready to lend a hand, or perhaps distribute water to thirsty students in need!
UCF University Unveils Documentary on Campus Vigilante Ratman
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